Tuesday, June 12, 2012

GMO or not?

As a current eleventh grade student at STEM Academy High school, i was given the task to conduct a lab to test weather one of the foods provided by our teacher was or wasn't genetically altered. For this project we conducted a 3 day lab consisting of first the DNA extraction from one of the food samples provided. Our food samples choices were Tortilla corn chips, corn bread mix, papaya, and a fresh corn cob. The food sample my group and i choose were tortilla chips, because we were curious to find out wether chips could actually be altered. The second day of the lab we conducted a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The purpose of the PCR was to test for the presence of the inserted DNA. However, for this experiment my group and I performed two PCR reactions. One reaction was done to check if our food sample contained plant DNA. Second reaction was performed to see if it contained GMO DNA. AFter the PCR was completed we had to do a Gel Electrophoresis lab and run a gel to check wether or not our first two labs were succesfull. And most importantly to vertify if the tortilla chips were modified or not.

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